Online Portfolio

A web based presentation of personal and academic projects

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Personal and Academic Projects

Over the last four years as a student at Rowan University I have completed a ton of fun and interesting projects for classes and personal projects for myself. Here is a few of my recent ones, stay tuned for a more complete list of all my work.

Created a simulation to demonstrate the effectiveness of an energy monitoring system in a smart grid

Used a multilayer neural network to accurately classify hand-written characters

Developed a proof of concept model for the smart transducer interface standard

Created a script that processes video files and creates a snapshot of the trends in color

Check out my collection of movie inspired artwork created in Matlab
View Gallery... Coming Soon
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About Me

Currently pursuing a degree in electrical and computer engineering from Rowan University. Inspired by university professors and innovative tech companies to apply skills taught through courses in creative ways on new projects. Interests lie in signal processing, automation, machine learning, and smart devices.